Tina Kakkar, B.Sc., Vice President

Tina Kakkar, B.Sc., Vice President

A graduate of the University of Alberta, Tina Kakkar has a major in Computer Science and Finance. Tina has worked at various Investment Management and Investment Consulting firms over the past 15 years. Currently, Tina works as an asset manager and manages a portfolio of retail commercial properties. Her responsibilities include overseeing property management, leasing, financing and capital improvement programs of the asset.Tina is an active volunteer in her community and feels a strong connection to the nonprofit sector. She joins the AWSN board to share her experiences and passion to help promote and advocate for the under represented population in STEM and help direct strategic development and fundraising efforts. In her spare time, Tina enjoys staying active, travelling with her family and strives to lead a sustainable lifestyle.

Our Mission: Enabling a culture of diversity and inclusivity through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Programs. AWSN acts as the platform that initiates or supports programs, partners and stakeholders who amplify, magnify, or accelerate systemic and social change within the greater community, allowing all to participate to their full capacity in STEM